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5 Home Remedies for Water in Ear.


Water in Ear is a very common condition that is caused when water enters the ear and gets trapped inside. The water can enter the ear while doing any daily activity like bathing, taking a shower or swimming etc. If you are a swimmer you become more susceptible to get Clogged Ear normally the water in the ear goes and comes out on its own and you don’t need to do much for it but sometimes the water gets trapped in the ear and this leads to the onset of ear discomfort due to clogged ear.

The trapped moisture gives a dwelling environment to bacteria and fungus, it will also cause itching in the ears. Pain and discomfort are also seen in many cases.

If left untreated the infection will grow and will lead to excruciating pain and you will be required to see a doctor urgently. However the pain can be soothed and reduced with the use of simple home remedies.

Try These Home Remedies For Water in Ear

NOTE: You must only try home remedies when the water clogs in the outer canal of the ear, if the clogging is in the  middle ear you must seek for an immediate medical help.

Using home remedies for water in ear is very common and it does not require too many things also. You can get the water out by using different body postures / positions or with the help of items which are readily available at home.

1. Tilt and Let The Gravity Work

While Standing

Tilt sideways so that your affected ear is parallel to the ground

Hold on this position till the fluid evacuates from the ear.

The water will drain naturally due to the pulling effect of gravity

While Lying Down

Lie down with the affected ear facing the surface on which you lie down. Let the gravity work, you can also comfort yourself with a pillow if you find it difficult to lie down on a flat surface.

You need to stay in this position for a little while and allow the gravity to pull and drain the water out from your ear.

2. Blow Dry But Not Too Hot

According to the Doctors Book of Home Remedies you can eliminate the moisture in your ears using a blow dryer. Keep the dryer atleast 18-20 inches away from your ear canal.

Do not use hot air setting, choose either warm or cool air mode.

Let the dryer blow for 30 seconds so as to allow the moisture eliminate, as the moist conditions are favorite of bacteria and fungii.

3. Try the Kitchen Remedy to Eliminate Water From Ear

Water in ear can either be drained out of the ear or you can also try to dry the moisture using a drying agent like rubbing alcohol and white vinegar

  • Take equal parts of Alcohol and White Vinegar and make a solution.
  • Fill up an ear dropper with this solution
  • Tilt on the opposite side of the affected ear and put a few drops of this homemade ear drop. Let it go inside the ear canal.
  • Now tilt on the side of affected ear so that the offended ear is facing the ground, stay in this position till the solution comes out of the ear.

4. Take an Over-the-Counter Remedy

All most all the drugstores will be having some ear drop to comfort Swimmer’s Ear.

You can take the help of any adult to put the drops, and stand in the position in which the affected ear faces the ground.

Remember to read the directions for usage and dosage given on the package before using any OTC product.

5. See a Doctor

If nothing helps and you feel that your pain is increasing there is fair chance that you are heading to a condition called Swimmer’s Ear. Get professional advice at earliest if the home remedies doesn’t seem to be working for you

It is an infection in the outer canal of ear and is usually caused due to bacteria. The remains of water in the ear after activities like swimming or bathing provide an ideal moist environment to the bacteria to thrive.

This infection is also known as Otitis Externa (External Otitis), if you suspect that you have come in for this ear infection you must immediately seek Doctor’s help as it can worsen if left untreated.

Wikihow explains the methods to remove fluids from ear with illustrations.

Prompt treatment will prevent further complications and ease out the pain fast and will also cure the infection before it flairs up.

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