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7 Natural Ways To Alkalize Your Body (Proven and Effective).


An alkaline-based diet helps improve your overall health. Further, you can opt for natural ways to alkalize your body to see results significantly.

Our body’s detoxification system takes care of acidic foods (like sugar, food additives, meat, and fried foods). Still, in the long run, acidity in the body leads to pains, weight gain, and other health issues (such as cancer).

Nonetheless, acidity causes severe damage to the body. Encompassing a high level of acidity will impact the bones and tissues negatively. This condition results in the body’s inability to repair them properly.

Symptoms of acidity include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • allergies
  • aches
  • acne
  • headaches
  • confusion
  • sleepiness
  • infections
  • chronic fatigue

Alkaline-based diet and drinks promote body energy, eliminate inflammation, and slow the aging process. Furthermore, it’s necessary to start your day with a healthy plan to strengthen the immune system and reduce stomach-related problems. For optimal health, keep your body’s pH level balanced.

7 Natural Ways to Alkalize Your Body.

1. Exercise regularly.

Exercising and going for a brisk morning walk is the easiest way to move acidic waste products from the body. In this way, you’ll inhale more oxygen-rich, fresh air.

Further, daily movement balances your body’s acid and alkaline levels. These exercises also help maintain pH balance, cell tissues, and cellular fluids.

Moreover, ensure to incorporate proper breathing techniques. As per research, excessive carbon dioxide in the lungs decreases blood pH, making it too acidic.

2. Drink lukewarm water daily.

Starting your day by drinking a glass of lukewarm water (added with freshly squeezed lemon juice) could be your greatest gift to your body.

Nonetheless, water helps flush out all the toxins and acids from your body naturally.

3. Replace lemon with vinegar.

Lemons make the body alkaline. You can replace it with a spoonful of vinegar, as the latter has the same effect on your body. You may opt for apple cider vinegar because it’s nature’s most alkaline, probiotic-rich beverage. Apple cider vinegar works great in relieving muscle pains and easing the digestion process.

Drinking plenty of plain water/alkaline water or coconut water is very important to flush our waste system and keep the organs functioning properly.

4. Add greens to your diet.

Adding greens to your diet is among the natural ways to alkalize your body. Greens are rich in magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, and micronutrients, offering nutrients on a cellular level.

Besides, taking sprouts is one way to alkalize the body. Sprouts are rich in nutrients and energy booster enzymes.

5. Opt for almonds.

Almonds have known alkaline properties and minerals (like calcium and magnesium) that help balance acidity and blood sugar levels. You may take a handful of almonds as snacks to balance the pH levels.

Subsequently, avoid salted almonds or the ones with added sweeteners. Almonds are the best substitute for fried foods or snacks.

6. Rely more on herbs and spices.

Herbs and spices contain alkaline properties, which help in increasing your body’s alkalinity. Some valuable herbs include ginger and garlic.

Moreover, garlic boosts your body’s immunity. Aside from adding flavor to dishes, both ginger and garlic alkalinize and detoxify your body.

Another is the cinnamon. You can add cinnamons to teas, sprinkle on salads, or use them to prepare desserts.

7. Consume fruits and vegetables daily.

All fruits (except cranberries) boost alkalinity. Fruit smoothies with almond milk are the best way to alkalize the body. The best fruits to take include apples, grapefruits, peaches, pineapples, cherries, apricot, strawberries, and bananas.

What Should You Avoid?

Sugars and artificial sweeteners are considered highly acidic foods. Thus, avoid them at all costs. For instance, stay away from drinking sodas and alcohol.

You can replace your morning coffee with green tea as well.

What Should You Avoid?

Sugars and artificial sweeteners are considered highly acidic foods. Thus, avoid them at all costs. For instance, stay away from drinking sodas and alcohol.

You can replace your morning coffee with green tea as well.

It is highly recommended to avoid foods and desserts loaded with sugars as sugar is one of the most acidic foods. One needs to prevent soda from their diet altogether.

Cutting back on dairy products is necessary as dairy products are acid-forming in nature. Replace dairy products with coconut or almond milk. As such, Omega-3 fatty acid also helps in alkalizing your body.

Nowadays, with more and more pesticides and chemicals, the alkalizing potential of foods is getting diminished. Furthermore, choose organic foods, so your body gets the nutrients it deserves.

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