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Neem Bark For Acne | Neem Chhal Paste Acne Remedy.


Neem bark is dried bark of Neem tree. It is called neem chhal in Hindi. Neem bark is a miraculous home remedy for acne. It can cure severe acne also. You need only one ingredient to cure Acne with this remedy and that is Dried Neem Bark. In market it is also available in powdered form also but it’s better to buy chunks of Neem Bark. As with chunks there is no chance of adulteration

Neem is known for its anti-bacterial properties and its is used in formulating an array of anti acne products like face wash, face pack, toners etc. Neem has been showing amazing results in treating acne and the three mostly used forms are Neem Oil, Neem Leaves and Neem Bark ( Neem Chhaal in Hindi ).
Neem Bark for Treating Acne and Pimples.
Yes, this lesser know neem remedy for acne is a surprise one ingredient remedy for Acne problem.
All you need is a dry chunk of the bark of the Neem tree.
For Acne prone skin, using a neem toner is very effective. You can make your DIY Neem Toner at home just grind some fresh neem leave and strain it through a muslin cloth. Take the juice and add it to distilled water. Store in a spray bottle and use it as a facial toner everyday. This will help in reducing the pimples and acne as well as in fading the scars.

If you have severe acne problem, using the Neem Bark remedy can prove to be a boon.
How to use Neem Bark To cure Acute Acne
  • Take a piece of Neem chaal I.e bark of neem tree (available at any ayurvedic store and also online).
  • Rub it on a stone with a rough surface with help of water make paste of Neem bark
  • Save the thick paste in a bowl, keep rubbing till you have enough paste to apply all over the acne affected area.
  • Apply this Neem bark paste on acne. Apply a thick layer, the neem bark paste should cover acne completely.
  • Keep it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Once dry, remove gently with water.

Will this Neem Bark Acne Remedy Work ?
Each person has different skin, but for most this remedy works. It has worked for me and I hope the same for you.
As far as I know this is a very effective home remedy for treating acne naturally. It is an inexpensive remedy which can be used with very less supplies and efforts. This Neem Chhaal paste can heal severe acne also. And i personally testify that neem bark worked for my acne.
You can also try the homemade anti acne Neem Tulsi face pack, it is and inexpensive homemade face pack which can be prepared easily at home.

Neem Bark is an amazing ingredients but it is still not as popular as other Acne home remedies like Aloe Vera and Apple Cider Vinegar. If you are battling with nodular acne, give this remedy a try. It will not take much of resources just 20 minutes a day and one ingredient i.e Neem Bark (and water of course).
If you have acne prone skin then you will need to give special care to your skin. These skin care tips for Acne prone skin will certainly help you in keeping Acne at bay. Keeping Neem Chhal or Neem bark handy at home will save you big time whenever you have a breakout.

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